
Global Business 101

The old saying goes on “it’s an extremely small world.” It’s true in terms of your ability to access information from all over the world as well as your ability to connect with key decision makers and business leaders in every corner of our planet. This is nowhere more apparent than in the global business, which covers any company or organisation that conducts business outside its home country.

As the complexities of global trade and commerce become more complex, companies big and small must make sure they are prepared to meet these new problems. This includes understanding the nuances of international business as well as being able to work with partners and colleagues from other countries.

The undergraduate Journal of Global Business and Trade, or JGBT is a journal that features reports, articles and other comments that are relevant to global business. It is also the official journal of CUIBE the Consortium for Undergraduate International Business Education.

If you’re a business owner considering going global or want to ensure your team is prepared to take on the world, it’s essential to know the impact of cultural differences on your business’s performance abroad. It is crucial to know the customs, holidays and social norms that are prevalent in the cultures you may encounter when conducting global business. This is a great way of increasing your “export intelligence.” It’s also important to know how to interact with business colleagues from other countries. For instance the different cultures have different standards for personal space and greetings.

global business ideas in entrepreneurship

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